Well my heart doctor found a murmur, might be because I over did it when I jumped right into walking 3 miles everyday, then I got sick... anyway now I need to only do two 15 minute walks, no more than a mile a day and about 4 days a week until I can build up strength.
I got so depressed, so unhappy with myself after my two different doctors advice/opinions of my failure. I felt like nothing I do is right or working right. I just said F it and gave up.
But then the other day I started thinking things through, my diet that my diabetes doc had said was bad but which is closer to the one my heart doc says it right... Atkins vs Mediterranean diets... yeah very confusing! But my diet was working for me, I was slowly losing; ok so if I adjust that diet and if I add regular exercise which I hadn't done before, then maybe this would be a good way for me to go?
So I have gone back to my own style of diet which is closer to the Mediterranean diet and I have started the 15 minutes twice a day walk and we will see how it goes, if it doesn't seem to be working I'll do research and see how I need to adjust it.
Hopefully taking the exercise slower will help my heart mend, I can increase the exercise but need to take it slow.
Crossing my fingers and my toes!